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2007-03-12: Foreigners (bread)
This comes from a suggestion by Zusty: "For some reason, Rabid meets a lot of people pretending to be foreign tourists."
Zusty is a pseudonym I think! Well, yeah.
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Rabid: May I help you? False Foreigner: Yes hel-lo we have for-eign and re-quire an help to find ho-tel Rabid: That is an astonishingly artificial bit of linguistic struggle! Underneath your guise of foreignness I unmask you to be DOMESTIC TERRORISTS!! False Foreigner's Friend: Cripes! False Foreigner's Friend: Our revenge will be dire! Cop: Shush. Dr Quickly: We congratulate you with a bonus, a raise, and a paid vacation! Rabid: Ace! <<disem-BARK!>> Rabid: I get to my destination without my bags! The suffering of modern travel -- fie! Cop: Hut! An UNATTENDED MONSTER! I must radio the BOMB DISPOSAL SQUAD!! Rabish: You have been very quiet since you returned from your vacation -- is everything alright? [[A canister is beside her on the couch which is labelled: "WARNING CONTAINS DETONATED REMAINS OF SUSPECTED TERRORIST DEVICE DO NOT OPEN"]] Space Frog: FEE FEE FI FO FO FO FO FED PURCHASE MY "SUSPECTED TERORIST BREAD" Rabish: It tastes charred. Space Frog: VITAMINS
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